Our Constitution

    1. Name    The name of the Club shall be Malaysians in UK hereafter referred to as "My-UK".    My-UK is committed to equal opportunities, tackling discrimination and recognizing that in society, groups of individuals are not oppressed, victimised and harassed, and/or disadvantaged on grounds of their race or racial group, ethnic or national origin, social class, gender, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, age and disability.    It is the policy of My-UK that in all its dealings, and with those who have dealings with My-UK, will do so, without distinction, by reference to race or racial group, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex (including pregnancy, paternity and maternity) sexual orientation (including civil partnership status), marital status or social class. Age and disability are also to be disregarded save in those limited circumstances in which they are genuinely material to particular circumstances/positions or situations.     My-UK does not permit or condone harassment and/or victimisation by reason/s of any of the factors as set out above.   

2. Objectives of My-UK : To promote and foster the ethos of  “ONE MALAYSIA” to Malaysians of all walks of life residing in the UK by the following :-   2.1  Social and cultural events, sports activities, and publications.   2.2 To promote the awareness of the business, commercial, industrial and professional expertise of its Members. This will also include student developments.   2.3 To provide professional support, assistance and advice in relation to businesses.   2.4 To affiliate with or obtain the representation of other agencies that could further the interests of My-UK at all levels, both locally and internationally.   

3. Membership   3.1 Individual Membership    All Malaysian nationals, individuals of Malaysian descent and individuals with family ties or interest in Malaysia, are eligible to be Individual Members.     Members will be eligible to vote and stand for election into office.   3.2 Corporate Membership    All Organisations, clubs and businesses can apply to become Corporate Members.     Corporate Members are entitled to nominate two representatives from their organisation to attend the functions organised by My-UK.    The representative of a Corporate Member is entitled to one vote, and may stand for election in a non – executive role within the Committee of My-UK.     3.3 Honorary Membership     The positions of Honorary Member shall be approved by the Committee.    Each Honorary Member is entitled to one vote   3.4  Business and Professional Advisors     All Business and Professional advisors can be appointed, as agreed by the Committee for a tenure of one year.    The Business /professional Advisor must be a paid up member of My-UK.   4 Admission of Membership   4.1 All applications for membership must be forwarded to the Club’s Address. The membership shall be reviewed and approved during an ordinary committee meeting. The result will be communicated by post or electronically to the applicant.   4.2 Every individual and organisation whose application for membership has been approved by the Committee, shall only become a Member upon the payment of the appropriate Membership subscription.   5. Register of Members    The Treasurer and Membership Director shall maintain an up-to-date register of Members together with all their relevant contact details. This Members’ register is strictly confidential. No access is permitted unless approval is sought from the Committee. The Register is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998.   

6. Termination of Membership    An individual or Corporate Member shall cease to be a Member on the following grounds :-  a. submit written notice of resignation to the Secretary.    b. fails to pay the subscription within one month after the due date that is 1st January of each calendar year.    c. the Member having committed an act or been have found guilty of inappropriate behaviour which is inconsistent with the Membership of My-UK. This will be resolved by the Main Committee following a vote, by a single majority to terminate the Membership.   

7 Subscriptions   7.1 The annual subscription are as follows:   · Corporate Member shall be   £300  • Individual Member £50 • Student Member   £12 ( £1 per month )   7.2 The Subscription may be varied by simple majority at a Committee meeting.   7.3 Any Individual or Corporate who becomes a Member after September shall enjoy the last quarter as gratis and continue to enjoy full membership the year after.   

8. Patron    The position of Patron is usually His Excellency The High Commissioner to the Court of St  James.    This position has to be approved by the Committee   

9. The Main Committee    9.1 The affairs and business of My-UK shall be managed by the Main Committee. The number of the Members of the Main Committee shall not be more than twelve.   9.2 Only paid up Members of My-UK can be appointed to be a Member of the Main Committee.    9.3 The Main Committee shall compose of the following :-   (a) Chairperson (b) Two Vice Chairpersons (c) Secretary (d) Treasurer (e) Event Director (f) Communications & Public Relations Director (g) Membership Director (h) Special Project Director (i) I.T. Director   9.4 The Main Committee meeting shall convene at least once per Calendar Month, on the second Tuesday of each Month   9.5 Decisions made at meetings of the Main Committee shall be by a simple majority, of those present or by proxy. In the event of a tie, the person acting as Chairperson of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.   9.6 If there is a need for an urgent meeting of the Main Committee, this will be arranged as soon as is reasonably possible.   

10 Appointment and Retirement of Main Committee Members   The Main Committee Members will retire at the Annual General Meeting and may offer themselves for re-appointment. The resolutions for their re-appointment must be included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting.   

11 Annual General Meeting    An Annual General Meeting shall be held in every calendar year and such a meeting must not be held within six months of the previous Annual General Meeting and not more than fifteen months after the previous Annual General Meeting.   11.1 The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:    (a) to receive the report of the Chairman regarding the activities of My-UK during the preceding year  (b) to receive and approve the annual financial statements of My-UK,together with the Treasurer's report on the current financial position of My-UK  (c) to elect the Main Committee Members   11.2 The proceedings conducted at an Annual General Meeting shall include the items set out in the notice of the meeting and the Agenda.   

12. Extraordinary General Meeting   12.1 All general meetings of Members other than Annual General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meeting.   12.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting of Members may be convened at any time following a resolution of the Main Committee or a requisition from Members setting out the resolution or resolutions to be proposed at the meeting. The requisition from Members must be signed by not less than one-tenth of the paid up Members and served on the Secretary of My-UK in person, by post or email.   12.3 Upon receipt of a requisition from the members to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, the Main Committee shall convene and deliberate on the issue. A Notice setting out the resolution must then be sent to all members to inform them of the forthcoming meeting within 14 days of the receipt the requisition. If the Main Committee does not adhere to this time limit, the members who have requested for the meeting, may on behalf of the other Members give notice of such a meeting.   12.4 Business to be conducted at an Extraordinary General Meeting shall only be those as set out in the notice of the meeting.   

13. Notice of Annual General Meetings   13.1 A twenty one calendar days’ written notice shall be given to all paid up Members, who are on the register of Members, at the date of the notice, to convene an Annual General Meeting.   13.2 The notice should set out the resolutions to be considered at the meeting and specify the time and venue of the meeting.   

14 Ordinary and Special Resolutions   14.1 All resolutions other than matters that require a special resolution shall be ordinary resolutions.   14.2 Special resolutions are required for the following:    (a) Amendments to the Constitution (b) Increase of subscriptions  (d) Dissolution of My-UK   14.3 All resolutions other than special resolutions shall be determined by simple majority of Members’ votes at the Annual General Meeting.   14.4. Special resolutions shall be determined by a majority of three-quarters of the Members’ votes at the Annual General Meeting.   

15. Members’ Votes   15.1 Each paid up Member shall have one vote on every resolution.    15.2 In the event of a “tie” in voting on an ordinary resolution at an Annual General Meeting the appointed Chairperson of the meeting shall have the final casting vote. There will be no second or casting vote by the Chairperson of the meeting on special resolutions.   

16. Proceedings at Annual General Meetings   16.1 No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present. The presence of ten Members shall be a quorum. These members must be paid up members, at least 3 months prior to any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.   16.2 If such a quorum is not present within 30 minutes from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day and same time in the following week, or to a date and time to be decided by the Main Committee.   16.3 The Chairperson of the Main Committee in his / her absence may nominate a member of the Main Committee to preside as Chairperson of the meeting. If neither the Chairperson nor such other Committee Member is present within 30 minutes after the time scheduled for  the meeting, the Main Committee Members present,  shall elect one of their number to chair the meeting.   16.4 If no Main Committee Member is willing to act as a chairman within 30 minutes after the time scheduled, the paid up Members present may appoint one amongst those present to be Chairperson.   16.5 The Chairperson may, with the consent of the members present, direct that the meeting be adjourned to a time and date to be decided. No other business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting, apart from, business which might have been properly transacted at the meeting, had it not been adjourned. If a meeting is adjourned for fourteen days or more, a seven working days’ notice shall be given, specifying the time and place of the adjourned meeting including the business to be transacted   16.6 A resolution put to vote during a meeting shall be decided by show of hands of Members present and eligible to vote.   

17. Financial Year and Financial Statements   17.1. The financial year of My-UK shall begin on the 1st of January each year and end on 31st December the same year.   17.2 Within two months after the end of the financial year, the Treasurer should prepare and produce financial statements for inspection. The financial statements should be scheduled in accordance with accepted accounting standards, setting out the income and expenditure during the year, together with such notes as necessary, to justify expenditure and produce an accurate account of the financial affairs of My-UK.   17.3 The Treasurer is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements.   17.4 If the financial statements are to be audited, they will be completed in accordance with UK auditing standards by an auditor. The auditor shall be a professional accountant and shall be appointed by Members at each Annual General Meeting. He/She will hold office for a tenure of one year, until the Annual General Meeting in the following year.   17.5 Copies of the audited financial statement will be forwarded to every Member with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.     

18. Accounting Records   18.1 The Main Committee and the Treasurer are responsible for maintaining proper accounting records to provide accurate particulars for the preparation of financial statements.   18.2 All monies received shall be paid into a bank account, a branch appointed by the Main Committee. Cheques and other instruments drawn on and instructions to the banks shall be signed by not less than two Main Committee Members. Three members of the Main Committee shall be granted the right to sign cheques on behalf of My-UK, namely The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, the Treasurer and the Secretary.    18.3 No action involving expenditure in the name or on behalf of My-UK shall be taken, and no undertakings which would commit My-UK to expenditure or other liability shall be made, without the prior authority of a written resolution of the Main Committee, signed by the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.   18.4 All donations to My-UK shall be received and duly acknowledged by the Treasurer and all such donations shall be applied to the purpose for which they were donated.   

19. Financial Responsilities of the Main Committee Members     The Main Committee Members shall not be liable ( except as individual Members) for any loss suffered by My-UK as a result of the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf. However if such loss arise from their respective wilful default, they will be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of My-UK for all expenses and other liabilities, incurred by them, in the discharge of their respective duties.   

20. Dissolution   20.1 My-UK may be dissolved by:    (a) Special resolution of Members at general meeting, with a minimum of 80% of the paid up members on the register.    (b) Notice from a liquidator of My-UK or a receiver, for all or any of its assets or    (c) Resolution of the Main Committee if the Membership is less than ten, for a period of not less than nine months.   20.2 The dissolution shall take effect from the day, when the resolution is passed, and the Main Committee will be responsible for the winding up of the assets and the liabilities.   20.3 If any property remains, after the discharge of all debts and liabilities of My-UK, it shall be distributed equally amongst the Members of My-UK at the date of dissolution.    

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